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Sleep Apnea

TMD Treatment

Sleep Apnea Treatment & TMD Treatment

At Complete Smiles, we want you to live a fulfilling life. If sleep apnea or complications from TMD disorder are disrupting your daily life, it's time to give us a call. We'll support you with sleep apnea treatment and TMD treatment.

Sleep Apnea

Snoring occurs when the airway or passage through which we breathe becomes partially blocked or occluded. As the diameter or size of the airway shrinks, the net result is a muffled sound secondary to vibrations in the throat: snoring. In many situations, this compromise is minor, and the body continues to get adequate amounts of oxygen, causing little to no harm. However, this is a red flag as it could also be one of the early signs of sleep apnea. Most people suffering from sleep apnea snore in between bouts of apnea or oxygen interruption. A sleep study should be done to determine the seriousness of one's condition.

Sleep Apnea

Many sleep apnea patients have a rough night and don't even know it is happening. In a given night, these apneic events (when a patient stops breathing) can occur anywhere from 30-50 times, and in some people as many as 60-100 times per hour. Obviously, these individuals awake exhausted each morning, as they've been fighting for oxygen all night. Sleep should be a replenishing period for each of us.

Thankfully, sleep apnea is treatable. In our office, we treat snoring and sleep apnea with a unique approach. For example, we can provide you with a home monitor to help you (and us) assess whether or not sleep apnea is a concern. The current gold standard for treatment of sleep apnea is the CPAP machine. However, only a minority of CPAP owners is still compliant after one year. If you are one of the non-compliant, we can fabricate an oral appliance that will help open your airway and reduce the severity of your sleep apnea. A custom oral appliance worn while sleeping holds the lower jaw forward and open, preventing the tongue and throat tissues from collapsing the critical airway. There is a 96% snoring reduction success rate for people treated with these appliances, and they are celebrated for reducing health risks associated with sleep apnea without the need for surgery, medications, or other therapies.

TMD Treatment

Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) includes a wide range of dysfunctions that often overlap. It primarily includes muscle problems that affect jaw movement, pain in the face around the jaw point, and problems within the joint itself. This variety makes its diagnosis and treatment challenging, but at Complete Smiles, we can use our experience to best diagnose and treat this facial pain. Most problems, whether muscular or within the joint, improve over time. For this reason, it's best to use conservative treatment at first. However, in some instances, surgery or other procedures, such as injections, may be recommended as a first treatment.